Facing Future Blog

We welcome you to submit blog posts on any of the stressors covered in this website, or other stressors not covered here.  Topics can include ocean and air pollution, toxic chemicals and processes, the dominance of ‘profit’ over ‘people’ and all of life on Earth, soil degradation and destructive farming and forestry practices, threats to the biodiversity of a no longer healthy ecosphere, population, how we feed ourselves, industrial and personal carbon footprints, and the many components and impacts of climate change.  Don’t forget the topics of political advocacy, and grassroots organizing that are central to Facing Future.

Articles should be brief and to the point, ranging from 250 to 1000 words.  Please include a selection of images you feel are appropriate, gleaned from the Internet in image searches, including images JPEGs, GIFs, and PNGs.  Submit in any of the following formats: PDF, Word, Google Docs, HTML, or Text.

All articles will be reviewed prior to posting.  Any edits will be shared with you before posting in our blog.

Articles may be emailed to contact@facingfuture.earth .  Don’t forget to upload your selected images. We will confirm receipt as soon as possible.

Listing of Blog Posts

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August 31, 2020

From Knowledge to Wisdom

by Nicholas Maxwell

For much of my working life I have argued, in and out of print, that we need to bring about a revolution in the aims and methods of science – and of academic inquiry more generally. Instead of giving priority . . .

August 26, 2020

Bring Back the Fish

by Alex Carlin

Your Climate Science Update - Cheer Up, It's Not Too Late! Teenagers paying attention to the news rightly doubt if they will have much of a future. Arctic Siberia breached 100 degrees Fahrenheit, California surpassed 130, and we are hurtling . . .

April 13, 2020

Coronavirus, Food Security and Sustainability – The End of Normal

by Brian McGavin

The COVID-19 virus and its economic impact diverts our attention from every other issue right now, but it doesn't mean dumping our growing sustainability, climate and ecological challenges. The pandemic is a wake-up call to a complacent civilisation totally dependent . . .

March 27, 2020

Lack of Ethics is the Prime Disorder

by Dr. Peter Carter

We live in a world of our making. A world of impending planetary catastrophe, a world in the midst of the 6th mass extinction of life. A world being heated up and burned down, with sky rocketing atmospheric levels of . . .

February 6, 2020

Rollbacks, An Assault Against Life On Earth

by Old Dog Documentaries

The face of Greta Thunberg speaking out so clearly and confidently and with such urgency, both gives us hope and alarms us. We have hope because there are many, among them many young people, who are stepping up to warn . . .

November 13, 2019

Underreported Arctic Methane Release

by Stuart Scott

Sorry it’s taken me so long to get this email out. The chaos caused by the switch of venue from Chile to Spain has put me back into a very unhealthy state of stress, and adapting while ‘training’ a team . . .

November 5, 2019

Active Hope

by Stuart Scott

Humanity is currently suspended between the Reality of the present climate emergency, denial by the economic forces that benefit the few at the expense of all, the ignorant bliss of social media and cheap plentiful 'entertainment', lies of #DonaldTramp, and . . .

October 28, 2019

Shutdowns EPA, NRC, FEMA & ORNL Safety & Consequence Management

by Stuart Scott

We just received direct authorization to share this email, from a friend who cares very deeply about all our work--yours, mine, theirs, ours. He either knows most of the leaders in climate, many of you who are vocal, and cares . . .

July 11, 2019

Population and the Climate Change Lever

by Bill Dowling

It has become increasingly clear to me that the never ending global quest for more economic growth relies on both population and consumption growth as well as ever more energy to make it possible, and therefore has caused all the . . .

June 10, 2019

How You Can Make a Difference in the Fight Against Climate Change

by Patrick Lincoln

Having had some small successes in my attempts to slow down anthropogenic climate change, I felt compelled to write a post so that others could learn from my experience. Two things I would like to emphasize are the following. 1) . . .

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