Media Advisory

For Immediate Release

Climate Honesty – Ending Climate Brightsiding

Jem Bendell, Ye Tao and Paulina Aldunce

Mon, Nov 7, 2022 @ 4:30 PM EET (UTC+2)


Some of the most worrying science is downplayed in formal processes. Some scientists have believed that such an approach is best to encourage action. Yet the past thirty years of not bending the emissions curve indicates otherwise, as does the rise of climate activism that cites the bad-to-worst case scenarios.

Current data on emissions, atmospheric concentrations, global temperatures, and widening impacts are frightening. Downplaying issues such as the reduction of global dimming due to cleaner air from efforts towards netzero would be neither scientific nor ethical. Yet many well-funded and influential organizations criticize people, particularly the young and the poor, for being ‘too negative’ about the current and future impacts of climate chaos. This form of ‘climate brightsiding’ distorts and limits the climate agenda.

For instance, projects like MEER target these bad situations more clearly than approaches and technologies which currently receive commercial investment and public subsidy. More honesty with the public can start from professionals recognising and ending their own cognitive dissonance. This session ends with the declaration of a Scholars’ Oath to the Future.


Dr. Jem Bendell
Dr Jem Bendell is a full Professor of Sustainability Leadership at the University of Cumbria (part-time) as well as Founder of the Deep Adaptation Forum, co-Founder of the International Scholars’ Warning and publisher of the Deep Adaptation Quarterly. He focuses on leadership and communications for social change, as well as approaches that may help humanity face climate-induced disruption. He is a singer-songwriter with the band Sambiloto. A longer biography is available on his website.

Dr. Ye Tao
In 2020, Dr. Ye Tao founded the MEER Framework after grasping the accelerating and ultimate consequences of the climate crisis on Earth's delicate web of life. Educated as a biochemist, physicist, material scientists, and custom instrumentation developer, he brings the benefits of a multidisciplinary background in engineering and science to the art of problem solving.

Professor Dr. Paulina Aldunce
Professor Dr. Paulina Aldunce is a social scientist with a background in environmental planning and management. She works at the Department of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources, University of Chile. Professor Aldunce is the lead author of the IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX).

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Sharm El-Sheik Convention Center, Egypt